Megan | Lifestyle Portrait Photography | Senior Session



Thus were the cheers and cat calls from the literal fan club that accompanied our star on her senior shoot. Our extra trio was on standby for moral support, hat holding, hair styling and effusive encouragements. We had a darn good time.

Megan herself, as you will see (if you don’t already know her), is practically joy itself. My, did we laugh! I didn’t even have to prompt those infectious giggles - they were always at the ready and practically bubbled out of her. My own face hurt from smiling by the end of the evening.

Favorite moments: the wind always tugging Megan’s hair. Black and white on a parking lot runway. ALL THOSE LAUGHS. Goldeny russet leaves. Corduroy suspenders. Backlit prairie cotton. Splashing in the sunset.

Megan, you are a kindred spirit indeed. It was an absolute joyride to play with you for a few hours on such a glorious autumn afternoon. I haven’t known you for long, but I have the inkling that everyone in your life is blessed to call you friend.