They were on. They were off. They were on again. And now my free-spirited Emily girl tied the knot with Daniel for a new life of doing things together. And you two, it’s the best life, as I’m sure you’re already finding out.

After a moving first look, these two pledged their love under a trellis built by Daniel and his father under the shade of long-standing trees on his family’s property. Each read their own vows to the other, were prayed over by their families, slipped a ring on each other and gave their first kiss - to thunderous applause.

Up the hill, a grove of trees next to prairie provided the perfect respite for a short getaway and Emily and Daniel got to enjoy their first moments as husband and wife far from the madding crowd. You guys. I love the way they delight in one another, and that’s all I’ll say about that.

Once play time was over we rode back to the reception - a picturesque barn - where the party was underway. Chick Fil-A for all! The most gorgeous cake with real pressed edible flowers made by a close friend. Dancing. Words from friends. Paying tribute to Emily’s niece, Baby Ellen, and her darling squishable cheeks and thighs. (Emily, babies look real good on you. Just sayin.’ Wink!)

Then it was a shower (ahem, war zone) of bird seed, and then watching Emily and Daniel drive off into the sunset. That is, after they found their car filled to the brim with balloons and emptied some of them into the sky.

Emily and Daniel, you are a good team. You work hard together and you play hard together. May you each strive to outdo the other in love, and may God grant you peace and much purpose in your marriage.

Thank you for letting me capture such a special day in your lives; it was a privilege to come out of wedding photography retirement! My love to you both,