The Luedders Family | Lifestyle Family Photography
Golden light catching flaxen tassels of swaying grass...
Another perfect fall moment for Adrienne & Ryan with their little lady, Sawyer!
I learned something on this shoot: this little trio brought a grandma and an aunt who were both standing behind me the entire time, hooting, hollering, literally waving pom-poms and making a merry ruckus to attract the gaze and smiles of our tiny darling. What an awesome team we made! (I am seriously considering hiring someone to come and make a scene at photoshoots now...)
Adrienne and Ryan, I hope you love how sweet and light and perfect these turned out. What a beautiful way to remember Sawyer at Year One!
Love, love, love you guys...
p.s. as promised, most of the really great ones are still a wonderful secret for Christmas cards :D