The Oestreich Family | Lifestyle Family Photography
“Children are a heritage from the Lord,
offspring a reward from him.
Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
are children born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man
whose quiver is full of them.”
Gavin and Ashlie have the some of the cutest, silliest, kindest, most lovable arrows in all the land, and they go by the names of Addie, Ava, Ty, and Beck, each with their own little sparkling personality.
Ashlie has become a dear friend of mine in the last several months and I was so excited to capture this family in their element - giggly, messy, charming, whining or raucous - we had so much fun documenting moments of real life in all their nuanced moods and expressions.
Favorite moments?
Tickle fight. Flying pillows. Jump party. Brothers playing trains. Ring around the rosie. Floppy hats and sister love. Dress up. Braiding hair. Summer-time tea party. Freshly baked cookies and colorful berries. Straw hat shadows. Slow dancing. Playtime in the school room. Lace-covered windows hugging littles with light. Quiet time. Mommy-Ty cuddles. Lovers sneaking away. Back porch picnic. Childhood theatrics. Juicy lips. Beck's halo of curls. Catching fireflies. Tricycle Ty. A walk to remember. Front porch smiling and looking attempts. Dog pile giggles.
!!! So many glorious, real moments in one night! This session made me realize just how much I love in-home lifestyle sessions. They're so flexible and raw and forgiving. Kid is throwing a tantrum? No worries. You're in the comfort of your own home and can move onto another child or room to take a break. Littles are hangry or need a quick outfit change? Easy peasy. And now Ashlie, Gavin and the kids can look back and remember their real life with all the real moments of childhood, real things they did and wore in their real home. Catching a theme here? It's such a treasure.
Gavin and Ashlie, may the Lord richly bless you and your home, and your little arrows :D
Enjoy a sneak peek at my favorites...