Stella | Lifestyle Portrait Photography | Senior Session
“And the stars blinked as they watched her carefully jealous of the way she shone.”
Stella. / stel-uh / a female given name: from a Latin word meaning “star.”
Stella is on the cusp of freedom and a girl of the summer. And this was what we set out to capture.
We started our adventure at Aromas in the Old Market with a bottle of Coke and the cutest crimson romper you ever did see, complete with cobalt hat - naturally. I love how the sun dappled our summer girl and soda matched our mood.
We picnicked on strawberries under a painted mural of the aforementioned fruit and then took our fun to Blackstone where the gentleman at Almost Music graciously allowed us reign over records, doorway and bench. Stella is kindling a newfound passion for working against injustice, and everything from her pink tee to the voice of our vinyl locale became the perfect platform for documenting this moment in her life.
Wanting to catch her eponymous spark, we headed to Elmwood Park where we made starry magic amidst the ancient-looking trees. She looks like a high priestess or wood nymph come to life in her rainbow-hued maxi wrapped in alluring strands of light.
And a purple smoke bomb was involved. Need I say more?
Fair & freckled. Heart of gold and stardust soul. Stella, you really do shine.
Enjoy my favorites...